A birthday blowout from Kate!

Here's a birthday treat from the celebrant Kate

Prices at Stake:

+ A brand new pair of HAVAIANAS Slippers!
(convertible to cash!)

+ 3 surprise GIVEAWAYS!

..all you have to do is blog about the contest on your blog, give her some thoughtful birthday message and add her 3 lovely blogs.


Happy Birthday Kate!

May god shower you with more blessings and guide you in every step of your way.

70,000 EC Credits and a lot more.

Freebiereporter is holding a contest with huge prizes to be won including a 70,000 entrecard credits and a lot more. The contest will end on October 10 and he'll be using random.org for choosing a winner on the said date.

There are ways to enter and win. Here's how.

1. Write about this contest and just mention the one prize you want to win. Then leave a comment on this blog post with the link for us to see. 5 Entries

2. Write about this contest on your blog, mention the prize you want to win and copy all of the sponsors. Then leave a comment on this blog post with the link for us to see. 10 Entries

3.Subscribe to FreebieReporter.com feed via email.Then leave a comment on this blog post. 2 Entries

The Sponsors.

1st Prize:

30,000EC from Freebie Reporter
125×125 ad for a month from The Asian Economist
125×125 ad for a month from Free Famous Quotes
1 VIP membership to CreateBanner.com
1 Entrecard banner design from A Phone Sex Life

2nd Prize:

20,000EC from Freebie Reporter
1 VIP membership to CreateBanner.com
125×125 banner ad for a month from Journal Of Journey
125×125 banner ad for a month from Charcotrip.com
1 month blogroll link from A Phone Sex Life

3rd Prize

2000EC from Today’s Games
2000EC from Debit vs Credit
2000EC from People You Need to Know
1500EC from Positive Thinking
2000EC from Realm of Prosperity
1500EC from NickThrolson
1000EC from Fantasy Baseball
125×125 ad for 3 months from Cash Advance Blog
1 VIP membership to CreateBanner.com

Other Prizes:

EC Credits:

14 Lucky winners will get 1000 credits from one of our fabulous sponsors:

1000EC from Michael Aulia

1000EC from Øblog

1000EC from Better Inspirational Communication

1000EC from Random Detox

1000EC from Multiply Themes

1000EC from Momawannabe

1000EC from Singaporean In London

1000EC from Abhishek

1000EC from SEMscoop.com

1000EC from A Second Cup

1000EC from Kutsara at Tinidor

1000EC from Ohio Real Estate

1000EC from MonkeyChapps

1000EC from Today’s Games


4 Lucky winners will get premium advertising spots from the following bloggers:

125×125 ad for a month from Positive Thinking

125×125 ad for a month from Gift Reviews

1 month blogroll link from Freebie Reporter

125×125 ad for a month from Freebie Reporter

GH Fever's $1000 Contest

Danny, the guy behind GH Fever is throwing out $1000 cash as a prize for his ongoing contest, he'll be using RANDOM.ORG to choose a winner. The said contest started last September 18 and will end on November 18 so approximately 2 months.

All you have to do is.

Easy right?, you may check the site for more info.

5,000 Entrecard Credits to be given away

You've read it Thrifty Momma Ramblings is giving away 5,000 worth of entrecard credits for her 1st ever contest on the blogosphere.

The prizes goes as..

Grand Prize: 2,000 EC
1st Runner Up: 1,500 EC
2nd Runner Up: 1,000 EC
3rd Runner Up: 500 EC

...all you have to do is COMMENT.


Psychologists define motivation as a factor which stimulates an individual on certain actions. More precisely, it is "the process that arouses, sustains and regulates human and animal behavior" according to Collins dictionary. The questionnaires held among the students show that they understand the motivation as a sufficient set of relevant reasons to do or not to do something, whether it refers to educational activities or simple chores. The theory of motivation was originally created by Maslow, who developed a pyramid of needs and motives which represented the hierarchy of importance of certain life elements. Some state that Maslow was wrong, putting a number of human needs in the model in a shape of pyramid, since the needs that are located on the top of pyramid for some of us are not so significant for others. In other words, the motivation is different for different people depending on the situation they are in. Apart from individual differences which influence motivation, some environmental factors also impact person's choice of activities and values. Such factors as content, level of difficulty, variability, forwarding etc. take part in a complicated process of hierarchical division of needs and necessities. We mention motivation when we talk about education, the power of will, leadership qualities etc. Lately this word has been used in literature rather actively since a lot of people began understanding the motivation as a powerful weapon in management and especially education. To teach children something, it's necessary to stir up their motivation. On the base of this theory a number of methods were created, and they enhanced the pedagogical approach in many times. About the authors ProfEssays.com Inc has been in writing services field for almost five years. The Company employs a team of more than 300 highly qualified writers and editors who are proficient in their fields of knowledge.

Pet Caring

Pet Caring requires time and energy on the part of the caregiver. Now in busy world, time is a commodity in shorter supply than perhaps it once was. There are a lot of products available to help reduce the amount of time needed for the care of pets. Search websites for pet care products for your particular animal. Buying the pet products should make your pets comfort. Some of the following criteria makes your pet comfort and it will be more helpful to take care of them. Care and Grooming the Products The need to groom your pet depends a lot on your living environment. Grooming could be a daily, weekly or occasionally scheduled activity, and is necessary to keep the animal’s coat healthy and to eradicate fleas and other parasites. It is also important to keep dander in check. Grooming products for pets include products for coat maintenance, nail clipping, dental care, bathing and beauty. There are lots of products for feeding and watering that mean your pet can access water and food when they need it and don’t have to depend on you being there to attend to it. Having water readily available for dogs and cats is important because they dehydrate more quickly than humans. Automated pet feeders not only reduce the chore of being there to provide meals for your pets, but add the convenience of timing food releases for animals that may be subject to particular dietary needs. Using a lifted pet feeder can aid your pet’s digestion because the pet doesn’t have to strain and bend over to access the food.

Animal Lover

A pet is an animal kept for companionship and enjoyment or a househeld animal, as opposed to livestock, laboratory animals, working animals or sport animals, which are kept for economic reasons. The most popular pets are noted for their loyal or playful characteristics, for their attractive appearance, or for their song. Pets also generally seem to provide their owners with non-trivial health benefits; keeping pets has been shown to help relieve stress to those who like having animals around. There is now a medically-approved class of "therapy animals," mostly dogs, who are brought to visit confined humans. Walking a dog can provide both the owner and the dog with exercise, fresh air, and social interaction.

A few animals are sufficiently capable of adapting to human interaction to be considered domesticable. Dogs ("man's best friend") are considered to be a classic example of domesticated animals normally suited to being pets. Other popular pets are cats, fish, birds.

Pets have the ability to stimulate their caregivers, in particular the elderly, giving people someone to take care of, someone to exercise with, and someone to help them heal from a physically or psychologically troubled past. Having a pet may help people achieve health goals, such as lowered blood pressure, or mental goals, such as decreased stress. There appears to be strong evidence that having a pet can help a person lead a longer, healthier life. In a study of 92 people hospitalized for coronary ailments, within a year 11 of the 29 without pets had died, compared to only 3 of the 52 who had pets. A recent study concluded that owning a pet can reduce the risk of a heart attack by 2% and that pets are better than medication in reducing blood pressure. Dogs which are trained to be guide dogs can help people with visual impairments.

Skin living

Hundreds of millions of woman all around the world have dryer skin than they should have. Damaging your skin and your health each and every day and you may not even know about it. Let's find out why this is happening. There is a whole industry that caters to keeping skin moist, smooth and young looking. What if you could get those kind of results without any kind of lotions or treatments at all. Well there is a way, stop taking a shower. Sounds kind of crazy does'nt it? Now I don't mean stop taking a shower all together, but stop taking the kind of shower you are taking right now with municipally treated water.

Replica Bags

Designer handbags have been a staple in wealthy households. However, not everyone can afford to spend thousands of dollars on a handbag. Some of the most popular handbags styles include totes, clutches, hobos, satchels and shoulder bags. Don't be fooled by cheap falling apart replica handbags made with the wrong materials, inferior hardware, and incorrect sizing. We have just what you are looking for without having to spend thousands of dollars for an original designer handbag. Our replica handbags have been specially manufactured to match the original specifications. We pay attention to details and present authentic designer handbag styles for less. We have the latest styles of designer replica handbags at tremendous savings off of their original prices. We dont have the expenses of rent on a fancy street in the local shopping district. We minimize our cost and pass the savings on to you.

Bags et al

More and more people are looking to conserve spending, and need to find alternative means of enjoying luxury items are the must-have fashion accessory. Designer handbags are the must-have fashion accessory, If you want the look and feel of a designer handbag, but don't want to pay thousands of dollars for one then replica handbags are a great alternative for you. Don't be fooled by cheap falling apart replica handbags made with the wrong materials, inferior hardware, and incorrect sizing. We have just what you are looking for without having to spend thousands of dollars for an original designer handbag which would be identical to our handbags. There are so many designer replica handbags on the market today. Prada, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Fendi and Gucci handbags are some of the most desired designer handbags across the World. Our Louis Vuitton, Prada, Chanel, Fendi and Gucci designer replica handbags are the highest quality. Our mirror image replica handbags are the most authentic looking designer handbags styles you will ever see! Our replica purses and wallets have every single detail an original would actually have, even authenticity cards and dust bags. We have superb customer service, and offer a money back satisfaction guaranty. To make your shopping experience special at www.yourbestboutique.com, we will ship each handbag with a designer specialty shopping bag. We want you to have the feel of visiting that fancy boutique or designer store, without paying ridiculous high prices.